The Daily Writing Assignments Begin

Date 4/28/22.

The addicts’ log.

My sponsor’s assignment is the following:

1. Pray to your HP every morning
2. Make a gratitude list of 10 things you are grateful
3. Reach out call another recovering addict
4. Go to a meeting
5. Pray at night to your HP

As of today:

  1. I didn’t pray to my HP this morning. Fail. But will attempt tomorrow.
  2. What I’m grateful for:
    1. That I got my surgery done.
    2. I’m grateful that I didn’t wake up in the middle of the surgery, one of my fears.
    3. That I have a friend that will hold my pain medication, in his safe no less, so I don’t lose my sobriety.
    4. I’m grateful that I am literate.
    5. I’m grateful that I can write like a bad-ass.
    6. I appreciate wholeheartedly the cottage I live in. A place to be alone and recharge.
    7. I’m extremely happy that I had 6 hours of sleep! Longest in a while.
    8. I’m grateful that the person I’m buying the car forgave this month’s payment.
    9. I’m grateful I’m trying not to do the same patterns I learned from not-so-great people.
    10. I’m always grateful for my sponsor, putting up with me every step of the way.
  3. I haven’t reached out to another addict today, yet. I plan too.
  4. I’d like to attend two virtual meetings later today (I’ll update on the items I haven’t done the next day).
  5. I plan to pray to my higher power. I’ll put an alarm if I forget. Same for the morning. Meh, what the heck, I’ll do it right now.