Yes. I take therapy.
No, I’m not gonna say what I say in therapy.
- I meditated this morning, as opposed to prayed. I count that as equivalent.
- This gratitude list will be based from the feelings following hospitalizations. It has been on my mind lately, and those emotions going back to those days are real intense. I hope that by describing them here I can manage them.
- I am grateful that my throat is healed enough to drink water, and eat food.
- I am grateful from the kindness and niceness that each and every nurse displayed.
- I am appreciative of the doctors’ that treated me with respect.
- I am grateful of the doctor that saved my life.
- I am grateful for the visitations of all my friends. I still feel like its a dream.
- I definitely liked hospital room service.
- I’m also definitely happy I was put under rather than undergo all those medical procedures… consciously.
- I am grateful that somehow, I have food under my roof, and a full belly. Somehow.
- I am thankful for therapy.
- Gawd, I love gaming.
- I did not reach out to another addict…. But I did friends. And though its not the same, for today, I will count that.
- I went to a meeting.
- I did pray tonight.
Edit: I did reach out to another addict. It was a text, but it was an important interaction, and I will count that also.