5-5-22; Days Gone By

  1. I did pray in the morning.
  2. Gratitude list:
    1. I am grateful that my friends and networks raised funds for me in a matter of hours to not be behind financially.
    2. I am grateful that despite being ostracized from family, I still have somewhat of a relationship with them, no matter how tenuous.
    3. I am appreciative of the manner in which my organizing friends take me seriously.
    4. I am grateful that I have more than enough food to survive for a few weeks. Lots of carbs tho, but I’ll make it.
    5. I am grateful that I have a great set-up in my room.
    6. I am grateful that  I have lived long enough to see my birthday tomorrow.
    7. I fucking love the shows I’m seeing.
    8. Reminds me, I love that I’m living in a great era of movies and shows. Justice League and Halo? Hell yeah!
    9. I love that coffee shop.
    10. Thank the Force for chai tea!
  3. I did not reach out to another addict.
  4. I went to a meeting.
  5. I will pray tonight.